Christmas Light (TV Series)
An iteration of the Ghost of Christmas Present is caught in an annual loop from December 1st-25th, where he must find the true meaning of the Holiday Season to free himself.
SYNOPSIS: On December 1, 2024, amnesiac Jesse awakens in Maine, trapped in a loop from December 1-25. To break free, he must grasp Christmas's essence. With help from unlikely allies—fellow patient Therese, a social worker, and a wise security guard—Jesse faces challenges, including an obsessed ex and a perilous escape. Through love, community, and redemption, Jesse learns the true spirit of Christmas. Finally breaking the loop, he faces a choice at a holiday party: return to his old life or stay with Therese, marking a heartwarming conclusion.
TITLE: Christmas Light
TYPE: TV Series
STAGE: Script
GENRE: Fantasy Romantic Thriller
CAST: Casting
WRITERS: Chadwick Winters
PRODUCERS: Nicholas Levis
COMPANIES: BrandCinema